Exodus 90 and Magnify 90

Join men and women from Holy Redeemer starting on January 20th for 90 days of Spiritual Exercises (asceticism and prayer) aimed at preparing us to be the disciples we were made to be!

Exodus 90 for Men

+ What is Exodus 90?

"Exodus 90 is a ninety-day spiritual exercise for men based on three pillars: prayer, asceticism, and fraternity. All three of these pillars are essential aspects of the Christian life. It is for this reason that taking up this spiritual exercise requires taking up all three of these pillars both simultaneously and humbly."

What does the Schedule look like?
90 Days: Jan 20 - April 20

Daily or weekly accountability: This is up to each participant to plan. You could do this with a small group that meets weekly, or with a friend and check in daily. If you need help with this, Contact Mark

Click Here For More Information

+ What are the Exodus 90 Spiritual Exercises?

Shared Disciplines

  • Make a daily holy hour. 
  • Read each day’s scripture and reflect on it.
  • Abstain from alcohol.
  • Abstain from desserts and sweets.
  • Abstain from eating between meals.
  • Abstain from soda or sweet drinks (white milk, black coffee, and black tea are permissible).
  • Abstain from television, movies, or televised sports.
  • Abstain from non-essential material purchases. 
  • Only listen to music that lifts the soul to God.
  • Only use the computer for work, school, or essential tasks (e.g., paying bills).
  • Only use mobile devices for essential communications; cut out non-essential texting, app, and internet use (social media). 
  • Take Fridays as days of fasting. (Abstain from meat and only eat one full meal, as well as two smaller meals that together are not equal to a full meal.)

Men's Disciplines

  • Take short, cold showers.
  • Practice regular, intense exercise.
  • Get a full night’s sleep (at least seven hours is recommended).
  • Abstain from video games.
  • Take Wednesdays as days of fasting. (Abstain from meat and only eat one full meal, as well as two smaller meals that together are not equal to a full meal.)
  • Fraternal accountability - sign up with a current group, or with a friend. A weekly check in will be provided.

Let us know you plan to participate by filling out the form below!

Cost: Exodus 90 recommends the following: membership for $10/month ($30 for the 90 days) or $90/year which includes an app and access to the spiritual disciplines.

Go to the app store on your phone and download the app. Or, go to EXODUS90 website and join there.

Then join the Holy Redeemer group using this LINK.

Magnify 90 for Women

+ What is Magnify 90?

"Magnify is a book of reflection on the virtues to deepen a woman's interior spiritual life, so that her exterior life magnifies the Lord" (excerpt taken from the back cover). This book contains challenging spiritual exercises and reflections that should be completed over 90 days. It is highly encouraged that you do this program with others for accountability and to grow in virtuous Christian friendship.

What does the Schedule look like?
90 Days: Jan 20 - April 20

Daily or weekly accountability: This is up to each participant to plan. You could do this with a small group that meets weekly, or with a friend and check in daily. If you need help with this, Contact Katelyn.

Click Here for More Infomation!

+ What are the Magnify 90 Spiritual Exercises?

Shared Disciplines

  • Short daily reflections that include scripture and/or Catechism and/or writing of a saint.
  • At least 30 minutes of Daily Prayer
  • Monthly Confession
  • Daily Mass (as best as your state in life allows)
  • Weekly hour of Eucharistic Adoration
  • Listen to only uplifting, Christian, and classical music
  • No TV/videos except religious programming in moderation
  • No sweets (sugary drinks), alcohol, or snacks between meals
  • No social media
  • No non-essential purchases
  • Fridays are meatless fast days (2 small snacks + 1 regular meal) - modifications are provided for pregnant and nursing mothers!

Women's Disciplines

  • Focus on a different virtue and saint each week
  • Go on intentional walks with friends/spouse 
  • Contact the people who come to mind in prayer
  • No weighing self on scale
  • No makeup on Wednesday + Friday, simple outfits/appearance on other days.* Focus on a different virtue and saint each week

Let us know you plan to participate by filling out the form below!

Cost: The Magnify 90 program uses a book to help you on your journey. The book contains short, daily reflections on the virtue and saint for the week. You can purchase the regular version of the book here for $20. There is also a workbook version here for $32.

Each week we send out an email with supplemental resources to enhance your Magnify 90 journey. Make sure you’re signed up above and you’ll get on our list!


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