Meet Your Parish Staff
Fr. Thomas Nathe
Welcome to Holy Redeemer Parish – Jesus and I love you – Jesus more than me, but hey, He’s a tough act to follow! I hope you find this website helpful, and if looking for a parish to join, consider us.
A little about myself. I was born in 1969, graduated from Washington State University, had a huge conversion that you can listen to below, attended Mt. Angel Seminary, was ordained a priest in 2004, have been a pastor since 2007 to a total now of four parishes and a mission, have been here at Holy Redeemer since 2014, and hope to be here until I can no longer be a pastor. You can get a really good idea of who I am by listening to my homilies on this website here.
Holy Redeemer is truly a special parish. Our mission at Holy Redeemer is to Glorify God and sanctify souls, the same mission Jesus Christ had while walking the earth. We try to realize those two things in all we do here, which is substantial. It is my hope that every parishioner will meet Jesus Christ, fall in love with Him as He loves us; and give our lives to Him, as He has given His life for us.
Don Anderson
Parish Manager
Hello, I am thrilled to serve our church as your administrator. As the administrator, my role is to manage our sensational staff with the objective of providing sensational service to the parishioners that we serve. I also serve as one of the lead ushers.
In my past professional life I have served as a USAF Contracts Negotiation Officer, a sales manager in the pharmaceutical industry, and I’ve owned several businesses including a sports performance business. Working for the church is a great way to complete my working career, and I am so happy to be able to do so in my home parish.
Phone: 360-885-7780 x12
Email: dona@holyredeemervanc.org
Kevin Greenlee
Business Manager
I’m your Business Manager. I take care of the books and can help you with any financial questions related to the parish. I also do our sacred graphic design, website, and some of our IT.
When not working at Holy Redeemer, I spend time with my wife Katelyn and my son Benedict. I have a Masters in theology and love studying Catholic theology. I’m also a huge fan of tabletop games.
I work in the Holy Redeemer office Monday and Wednesday and at St. Thomas Aquinas on Tuesdays. I am either in the Holy Redeemer office or working remote on Thursdays. I can be reached by email or phone on any working day.
Phone: 360-885-7780 x21
Email: keving@holyredeemervanc.org
Shawn Norton
Facilities Manager
I am overjoyed with the opportunity to be your facilities manager here at Holy Redeemer. My wife, Sharon, and I moved down to Washougal from Anchorage, Alaska in 2022 and fell so in love with this parish after attending our first mass that we registered as parishioners. It worked out that God had a plan for me, I was blessed to be selected for this position here to serve the church and to get more involved with its community.
I have been an Alaskan most of my life and have covered many facets of the construction and maintenance industry. From a concrete laborer/finisher to owner/operator of Norton Lewis Maintenance company, I believe that I have been in training for this position throughout my career.
We have found many new brothers and sisters in Christ here at Holy Redeemer and are looking forward to getting to know more of the family here. Please feel free to contact me with any concerns about the facility or just to get to know me! I have some great Alaskan tales to tell!
Phone: 360-885-7780 x19
Email: shawnn@holyredeemervanc.org
Deacon Scott Aikin
Parish Deacon
I’m Deacon Scott Aikin and I have been a Permanent Deacon since 2007, married for 33 years to my wife Brenda, and have four young adult children. My family has lived in Vancouver, Washington since 1999. I received a Bachelor’s degree in Wildlife Biology in 1992 and my Master’s degree in Natural Resources/Water Quality in 2000 from Humboldt State University in California. I have used that education in my full time career as the National Native American Programs Coordinator for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service working remotely in the Director’s Office in DC. I am an enrolled tribal member of the Prairie Band of Potawatomi Nation of Northeast Kansas and have more than a quarter century of experience helping the Federal Government carry out its trust responsibilities toward Tribes throughout the United States.
Email: scotta@holyredeemervanc.org
Fr. Balasamy Joji Nagineni (“Fr. Bala”)
Bio forthcoming.
Marybeth Yee
Receptionist/ Pastor’s Secretary/ Liturgical Coordinator
It is a pleasure to be able to call myself your Receptionist, Pastor’s Secretary, and Liturgical Coordinator at Holy Redeemer.
When I’m not working in the Parish Office, I love being with my husband and keeping up remotely with our son who is an Engineer in Spokane Valley. I also love keeping in contact with my East Coast family.
Stop by to say Hi and I will share the story about how my Husband and I got invited to Rome by the Pope to my cousin St. John Henry Newman’s Canonization in 2019.
I'm looking forward to helping my fellow parishioners I've known since the year 2000, and the parishioners that I will meet in the many years to come.
Phone: 360-885-7780 x10
Email: marybethy@holyredeemervanc.org
Chad Poissant
Custodian Extraordinaire
Hi, I am your part-time custodian at Holy Redeemer. I make sure the church is clean so you can have a nice place to worship. Also, I am working hard to keep your, restrooms clean and stocked, sidewalks clear, and trash picked up.
I assist Shawn when needed. When I am not working, I help with altar serving, greeting, and attend Mass. I enjoy camping, hiking with my family, and participate in Miracle League Baseball.
Judy McMorine
Administrative Assistant
It is such an honor and a pleasure to serve as your Administrative Assistant in our Parish. You will find me in the Parish offices supporting Don Anderson our Administrator and Kevin Greenlee our Business Manager with parish communications, financial stewardship, special events and projects and any other way to help our parish continue to run smoothly.
Since graduating with my bachelor’s degree from Oregon State University, God has blessed me with wonderful career experiences as an entrepreneur, consultant, and in business and nonprofit marketing and development. To be able to offer those experiences now to help advance our Holy Redeemer mission to “Glorify God and Sanctify Souls” is so fulfilling!
In the evenings and weekends I love participating in the choir and small faith groups. My husband Mike and I enjoy family get-togethers with our children and grandchildren, as well as volunteering in our community as members of Rotary.
Phone: 360-885-7780 x11
Email: judym@holyredeemervanc.org
Angela Sun-Hong Lee
Music Director
I am your Pastoral Assistant for Music. I serve as the Overall Director of Music and Liturgy for the Parish.
I completed qualifying exams in Doctoral of Musical Arts in Choral Conducting and Cognate in Piano Pedagogy at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. I was the Assistant Director of the UIUC Chorale and Women’s Glee Club. I earned Masters and Bachelor in Organ Performance at UIUC. I enjoy spending time with my family and bonding with choir members.
Phone: 360-885-7780 x20
Email: angelal@holyredeemervanc.org
Janvier Kwizera-Masabo
It is an absolute honor to get to serve you as your part-time Musical Assistant. My musical journey began seriously in high school after breaking both arms while playing soccer. Music then grew to be an integral part of my life and faith and I began composing music and directing Church choirs. I have found that God brings us together in beautiful ways when we sing, and we have so many wonderful opportunities as a community at Holy Redeemer.
I am thankful to be living life with my beautiful wife and our all-too-quickly growing children! I also enjoy reading, languages, soccer, and getting to better know all of you!
Mark MacKenzie
Director of Evangelization
As the Director of Faith Formation I work with Father and Ed to make sure the sacramental and religious education needs of the parish are being met. I help my staff plan and deliver programs for parishioners of all ages. You will see me leading Confirmation, RCIA, high school, Marriage Prep, and Adult Education.
I enjoy spending time with my wife Andrea and our four kids: Joel, Evan, Maris, and Hope. I am an engineer by training so I love coming up with and implementing solutions to problems in the Church and at home.
Phone: 360-885-7780 x16
Email: markm@holyredeemervanc.org
Annie Cooper
Faith Formation Leader
Some of my main responsibilities include preparing materials and organizing volunteers for Elementary Religious Education, Vacation Bible School, First Sacraments preparation for elementary aged youth, and infant/youth baptism preparation. You can also find me designing graphics for social media posts and taking pictures for the website.
I went to school at Washington State University in Pullman, WA (GO COUGS!) and earned my degree in Music Education. It was at WSU that I fell in love with Catholic faith and began to seek intimacy with Christ. In my free time you will find me hanging out with friends, hiking, swimming, and reading books.
Phone: 360-885-7780 x15
Email: anniec@holyredeemervanc.org
Katelyn Greenlee
Faith Formation Leader
As the newest member of your Faith Formation Team, I work primarily with our middle years and high school youth formation and sacramental preparation, young adults, and more. I love being able to help people encounter Christ and grow in their relationship with Him!
I’ve I have a degree in theology from Mount St. Mary’s University, and have been working in parish faith formation in the greater Vancouver area since 2014. In my spare time I volunteer as a Tribunal Advocate and run a tabletop gaming group with friends. My other interests include canon law, clarinet-playing, and balloon-animal-artistry. If you see me with my husband Kevin and son Benedict around the parish, come say Hi!
Phone: 360-885-7780 x13
Email: katelyng@holyredeemervanc.org
Melissa Abell
Faith Formation Administrative Assistant
I’m Melissa. I work as administrative assistant for Faith Formation. Some of my job duties are recording Sacramental Records, funeral coordinator and assisting with the Sacraments and the Liturgy. I also enroll students into our many Faith Formation programs. I married my first blind date, Chad, who I met 21 years ago and we have two boys Charles & Nikolaus. I also take care of a Pug named Titan, a Persian called Gi Gi, and a little black COVID-19 Pandemic kitty named Benedict who should be called Lucifer because he gets the “devils”. My parents are happy that I am now using my expensive History degree, however in a roundabout way. I read a ton, drink too much coffee and according to my family I don’t cook enough.
Phone: 360-885-7780 x14
Email: melissaa@holyredeemervanc.org