Retreat Schedule

Friday, April 25
6pm - Wine and Cheese Mixer
7pm - Opening Introductions and Talk 1: “First Fruits”
8pm - Discussion Groups, followed by Night Prayer at 8:30pm

Saturday, April 26
8:30am - Morning Mass
9:15am - Light Breakfast
9:45am - Talk 2: “The Root of the Matter”
10:45am - Personal Assessment and Prayer
11:30am - Lunch
12:30pm - Talk 3: “The Tree of Life”
1:30pm - Discussion Groups
2:30pm - Confession
4pm - Talk 4: “Flowers from Heaven”
5pm - Dinner
6pm - Talk 5: “Landscape Design”
7pm - Discussion Groups
8pm - Closing Prayer

Sunday, April 27
8:30am - Mass
9:45am - Optional Brunch
11:30am - Closing Prayer

Walking in the Garden:
An Easter retreat for women,
taking us into the heart of living
as a people of hope and joy

April 25-27, 2025

Holy Redeemer Catholic Parish
Vancouver, WA

Take a walk with Teresa of Avila, Ignatius of Loyola, Catherine of Siena, and Therese of Lisieux. No matter where you are on your spiritual journey, there is a place for you here!

During this interactive weekend, you will...

  • Learn and practice the spiritual tools of mental prayer, Lectio Divina, the examen, discovering root sins and how to combat sin with virtue development, and making a plan of love.

  • Discover love languages, strengths and temperaments, the power of grace, and charisms.

  • Grow in faith with other women from the parish as you build accountability with one another and take next steps in deepening your spiritual life.

Cost: $125


2025 Stewardship Commitment


Fidelis & Fraternus