Jesus Wants Us to Be Holy
November 7th and 14th, 2021
Jesus Christ: Yesterday, Today, and Forever ~
You and I were made to be saints, for Jesus says, “Be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect” (Mt 5:48). One day when we get to heaven, if not before, we will be saints. Yet many will not make it to heaven if people like us don’t do what we can to share our faith through our time, talent, and treasure. That’s not an exaggeration. In heaven we will be made aware of all the souls that made it there because of the sacrifices we made for Jesus and His Church in this life. Likewise, we will be made aware of all the souls who didn’t make it because of our poor example and lack of effort – that could be you. If God is our highest priority, and He should be, then He should be seen in our day planners and checkbooks.
We’re coming out from underneath 20 months of covid restrictions, so we have a lot of rebuilding to do. We need to get our dozens of different ministries restocked and back on their feet. That’s where you come in. If you are registered at Holy Redeemer, you received a mailing in the past couple of weeks on our annual stewardship drive. Please take the time to read it and fill out the stewardship brochure if you haven’t done so already. You can also fill out the form online here. In the mailing you will also find a ministries directory briefly detailing most (not all) of the ministries and activities that take place at Holy Redeemer Parish (this guide is also available on the website). As you can see, we have a very active parish, yet it takes all of us contributing to make Our Lord’s Kingdom a reality here and now at Holy Redeemer.
At Mass, last Sunday and this, we have been taking the opportunity to sign up for some of the ministries and activities that are in need at this time. Please prayerfully consider committing to at least one thing; two or more would be welcomed too!
Of course stewardship is also about tithing. The Church would simply cease to exist without our financial sacrifices. In an article entitled: The Truth about Christians Tithing in the U.S., found at, we read:
. . . when we analyze . . . those who do attend church, far fewer actually tithe any money. It’s alarming that Christians now give less per capita than during the Great Depression. When we finally look at those in church, at best 25% of the congregation gives. That’s at best. If you have that level of participation, you’re not in the norm, according to other research, which says only about 3-5% actually tithe in most cases. And, it’s not the wealthy that always tithe. The statistics suggest that if you make less than $20k, you’re eight times more likely to give than someone who makes more than $75k.
Why is tithing a challenge? In our research, a number of reasons surface. It may be as easy as a lack of regular attendance. But more likely, it is a change of expectation. “How will this affect me?” versus “How can I change the lives of someone else?” We need to ask ourselves if our church is keeping an outward focus, or are we only serving our own needs?
. . . He [God] invites us to participate in his mission. So why tithe? Money manager Dave Ramsey says, “Tithing was created for our benefit. It is to teach us how to keep God first in our lives and how to be unselfish people. Unselfish people make better husbands, wives, [parents], friends, relatives, employees and employers. God is trying to teach us how to prosper over time.”
Prosper into eternity and help others while you’re at it. God has given us everything and is so generous that He lets us keep 90% – yet 10% belongs to Him. Please remember to continue moving toward Our Lord’s expectation of a 10% tithe of your annual income to His Church: 5% to our parish, 1% to the Annual Catholic Appeal, and 4% to other Catholic charities. If you are not already at a 10% tithe, then take a 1% step this year toward that goal. For example, if you’re currently giving only 2% of your annual income to the Church, increase that to 3% this year; if 7% increase that to 8%, etc. We receive in the measure we give. Trust God, His generosity can’t be matched!
Finally, I would like to thank all of you who do give in so many meaningful ways. The varied ministries at Holy Redeemer attest to the sacrifices that you have already made for so many. It is because of your sacrifices that we have been able to grow our opportunities for discipleship at Holy Redeemer Parish. Please renew your commitment to the stewardship of Holy Redeemer Parish by volunteering your time, talent, and treasure; and continue to grow in your faith and to help others grow in theirs. I thank you for your continued stewardship of Holy Redeemer Parish and the Church at large.
May God Bless You in Your Stewardship of the Church,
Fr. Thomas Nathe