The Accuser
September 25, 2022
Jesus Christ: the Way, the Truth, and the Life ~
So many people around the world are frightened or angry at you name it: political leaders, political parties, conservatives, progressives, Christians, the wealthy, constitutions, laws, the weather, etcetera. Since so few are good Christians, Satan is able to fuel this fear and anger and the consequences are people acting like him by lying, accusing, and ultimately murdering.
Examples of this in popular society would be: since the Supreme Court overturned Roe vs. Wade, abortion advocates have been campaigning against abortion opponents by falsely accusing them of denying women their reproductive rights. Other popular examples of false accusers trying to damage reputations would be people who are not racists being accused of being one; or people who know that gender is determined at conception, being falsely accused of being unscientific and dangerously insensitive.
Everyone has a bias, a conscious or subconscious set of beliefs that frames the way we look at everything. A good Christian bias seeks to know, love, and serve God – for the glory of God and the salvation of souls. Hence truth and charity guide the Christian mind. A non-Christian bias assumes that God doesn’t exist, or if He does, that He isn’t involved in the affairs of people. In this unacknowledged bias, power is the ultimate value, and since all other values are subordinate to it, anything goes to achieve it. Of course that includes lying and slander, and ultimately, if its’ important enough and it can be gotten away with, murder. Just ask anyone who has lived under communism.
Hebrew is the Jewish language, the people God formed his first covenant with, and it is the language in which the Old Testament of the Bible was written. You know what the Hebrew word for accuser is? Satan. “Then I heard a voice in heaven say: ‘Now have salvation and power come, and the kingdom of our God and the authority of his Christ. For the accuser [Satan] of our brothers is cast out, who accuses them before our God day and night.” Rev. 12:10 Unfortunately for us, he was cast out of heaven down to earth where he has been tormenting us ever since with lies, accusations and murder. “He was a murderer from the beginning and does not stand in truth, because there is no truth in him. When he tells a lie, he speaks in character, because he is a liar and the father of lies.” Jesus – Jn. 8:44
It took me at least five years of being a priest to realize that some practicing Catholics would falsely accuse me – on purpose. I had no category for this as I instinctively respected both my elders and anyone attending Mass. So when a parishioner falsely accused me of bad behavior or motivation (which hasn’t happened in a while), I believed them and would painfully search my soul for where I had gone wrong. Eventually I caught on. Falsely accusing another of bad behavior or motivations is a tactic that some take to get what they want, and its evil.
A good name is acquired by consistent struggle, by leading an upright life, by defending ourselves whenever false accusations are made against us. This is why, in ordinary cases, we do our good works openly in accordance with Our Lord’s injunction, “So let your light shine before men, in order that they may see your good works, and give glory to your Father in heaven.” Mt 5:16 Truthfulness promotes the general welfare of the family and society, as well as promoting and maintaining trust. The wellbeing of the social order depends greatly on everyone speaking the truth and Satan uses lies to undermine it.
None of us like to be falsely accused, none of us like to be honestly accused either. Words are powerful, God created all things with them, and we in turn have the power to destroy with them. When we use our words for evil ends, know that Satan has entered us. When others lie and accuse, recognize the presence of Satan in them too. Try to be charitable at all times, try to be honest at all times, and be on guard when Satan uses people to slander.
I’ve attached below a short story about a priest who dealt with an ugly email. I admired it because he saw who was really behind the email and the writer’s cry for help.
Fr. Thomas Nathe
Exorcist Diary #207: An Ugly Email from Demons
Msgr. Stephen Rossetti
I received a very ugly email. It was short: five sentences and each sentence was full of expletives, exclamation points, nasty invectives, and curses. I immediately blocked the sender.
I noticed that the email was sent in response to an email we sent out to all our subscribers. So, this person must be on our mailing list. I then went into the mailing list and found his address. I intended to delete him...
But looking at the person's history with us, I found something odd. A few weeks ago, he had apparently enrolled himself as a subscriber. He opened all the subsequent emails from us and was obviously following our ministry. In fact, he just registered himself for our next online deliverance session. And then, he erupts into a rage and sends us a horrid email. Strange?!?
As I reflected on the email, I noticed it sounded very much like the texts and emails I get from demons- raging, accusing, emotionally violent, ugly. Ahhh! The insight hit me: he was probably "manifesting," i.e., the demons had taken over and were enraged he was going to attend a deliverance session. He likely has a strong demonic presence.
Another person, a possessed woman, recently told me that when she tries to pray with the deliverance videos, the demons are "so angry and screaming." She found it painful. I suggested that she only do what she can. Also, we have had others in the room with her when she prayed with the videos. Obviously, demons are strongly affected when just listening to any priest pray deliverance prayers.
As I tell people during the introduction, if the sessions become too painful, the person should cease. Moreover, having personal support in the room for people with a strong demonic presence is helpful and important. Fully possessed people are best served by face-to-face sessions with an exorcist, if possible. For those who are not possessed, such strong reactions are less likely.
So, I did not unsubscribe the person who sent the ugly email. Likely, he is truly seeking liberation and the demons are resisting strongly. Instead of unsubscribing him, I said a prayer for him. May God give him strength and perseverance to continue to seek the Lord and on the sometimes long and difficult road to liberation.